Christmas is almost here. The festive mood starts spreading, the Christmas tree is going up and more importantly everyone is happy to gather around it with their loved ones again. This certainly make for an energetic and exciting period to immortalize some truly beautiful memories. And what better way to do that than capturing some stunning images. Here are some ideas for shooting Christmas photos at home.
Christmas Decoration
The Christmas decorations are the real scene. After finishing all the houses, please make sure to record them with your camera! Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and all small decorations will be amazing to put out the scene in your Christmas photos. Alternate shooting between wide-angle and close-up shots to capture the overall appearance and intricate details of the decoration. Remember, the more creative your decoration, the better photo album you can make.

Use Christmas Backdrops
Christmas backdrops are helpful to create festival atmosphere, ideal for home photography. And Christmas backdrops can also be used as decorations like wall paper, table cloth, door hanging. Christmas trees, string lights, jingle, etc. ornaments can be found from the backdrop. In addition, If you want to take unique photos, you should try Bokeh backdrops. Bokeh is the collection of round lights you see in backgrounds. Bokeh backdrops can create twinkle effect which is perfect for enhancing simple photos.

Document Interaction Moment
Christmas is the time of year when you get to spend time with family and relatives. Everyone is glad to relax and spend time with family. In such rare gatherings, savor the moments and get the camera ready to capture these precious moments. Watch how your parents play with your children, how kids smile when they see their favorite aunts and uncles, and take some snapshots that you know you will cherish in a few years.

Take Family Portraits
As Attila Kun posted in Christmas Photography Tips, “Christmas photos can have dual uses–you take them for the memories/record-keeping and you can use them as your family’s Christmas card. Either way, you want to make sure that you, the photographer, are in some of the important family photos. You’ll want to position everyone by the Christmas tree and have some presents in the composition too. Use a tripod for this group shot, because you’ll want to use the camera’s timer so you can get in the photo too. Your camera’s timer is a nifty little feature that many people don’t use (enough) or even know about. It’s simple to work; you just set your exposure values (shutter, ISO and aperture), compose your frame, set the timer interval (between 3–10 seconds), then press the shutter.” For more details, please check the blog Family Portraits Tips I’ve posted previously.

Joy of Opening Gifts
There are certain moments during a Christmas gathering that are filled with all manner of photographic opportunities and the opening of gifts is like no other in that it is filled with an array of emotions, facial expressions and excitement–especially if you’ve got kids around. Switch your camera to burst mode (sometimes called continuous shooting mode) and take lots of shots at this time of the festivities. You’ll find you end up with some excellent series of shots when you do this that capture everything from the anticipation of getting the wrapped gift, through to the excitement of unwrapping to the joy (or occasionally disappointment) of seeing what’s inside. Don’t forget to shoot the reactions of those who give the gift as well.

There are many more Christmas ideas you can put in practice this holiday season. Whatever catches your eye, take out your camera and create memorable moments for you and your family. These photos will be your cherished memory.
Check out more Dbackdrop Blogs about photography tips.
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Attila Kunthe founder and editor-in-chief of Exposure Guide. He is an avid photographer, graphic designer, bedroom DJ and devoted Mac addict. Attila got his first DSLR camera, a Canon 10D, back in 2003 and he has been hooked on photography ever since. |